Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Club Penguin Times Issue #40

Hello all! Sorry about the lack of newspaper reviews - we were short on writers at the time.

Anyways, let's go!

On the front cover of this week's Club Penguin Times, we can see information about the important things happening around the island - Coins for Change, the In Focus section and a picture of the Christmas Party.

On the first page of the paper, we have an article about Club Penguin Rewritten's annual virtual charity, Coins for Change. This year, Rockhopper will be bringing donation stations to put in penguins' igloos, so penguins can make an even bigger change! He will arrive on December 13th and leave on December 27th, so make sure you go down to the Beach, hop on board the Migrator and get your donation station!

The second page is about the Christmas Party, which this year will be truly special and unique, with new decorations, gifts and activities - and something exciting is going to happen above the Night Club during the party! I won't tell you what it is - you'll have to find out for yourself.

Next up, we have the In Focus section. This week, it focuses on the Ski Village and the Ski Hill.

Next, there's Ask Aunt Arctic, featuring questions from Why's It Quiet and Pizza the Action.

The next page has Jokes, Riddles and Poetry.

The next page has Art & Comics, and Dot-to-Dot. The artwork was sent in by DasMeister, and is of Gary the Gadget Guy and Rookie! The dot-to-dot is the same as last week's paper (which we didn't cover for reasons mentioned at the beginning of the article), which is a White Puffle!

This is the last page. It contains information about what's happening around the island.

  • December 13: New Postcards, Coins for Change, Return of the Ice Rink, Arrival of Rockhopper
  • December 14: Advent Calendar Begins!

And that's it for this week's Club Penguin Times. See you around!

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