Hi guys!
It's Danny here bringing you the latest news about The Fair! After a long wait and much anticipation, it's finally here!
For this tour, we'll be starting off in the Ski Village. When at the Ski Village, click on the photo camera. Your penguin will automatically walk over to the stand to take a photo.
This will allow you to get the Step Right Up Background for free!
This is how it looks on your player card:
Next I'll be heading to the coffee shop. Throw snowballs into the snow cone machine!
That will allow you to create the Snow Cone pin!
Next, we'll be heading to The Beach. At the beach you can find the Memory Card Game. Each game at The Fair will give you tickets after completion. Save these tickets to exchange for prizes later on.
You'll have to turn over each card and find a matching pair. Luckily for me, I managed on the first try! The less tries you finish the game with, the more tickets you'll get!
Next up is the dock! At the dock you can find Ring the Bell and Puffle Shuffle!
To play ring the bell, simply left click your mouse when the hammer is over the target. Release the button to hammer the target when the meter turns green.
To play puffle shuffle, you'll have to have a good eye. There'll be three puffles which will be moved around under hats. You'll be asked to find a puffle of a certain colour.
There are more games at The Forts!
In the game area, there'll be balloon pop and puffle soaker.
To play balloon pop, simply guide the parachute target into the cacti on the sides using the puffle. Make sure not to hit the cacti yourself or you'll end up losing a life! When the target pops, collect the tickets that fall out of it.
To play puffle soaker, press the space bar to squirt the water. The down button on your keyboard is used to duck whenever a bean bag or fish is thrown at you. Avoid splashing water onto mascots such as Rockhopper or Gary because you'll lose points. Only splash water onto the puffle targets. You can use your arrow keys to change direction.
At the cove, there's Feed-A-Puffle!
Simply left click to shoot puffle o's into the mouths of the puffles which appear!
Then head to the forest where you can find puffle paddle.
Without clicking anything, simply move your mouse (the paddle) around. Don't drop the puffle. Just keep hitting it! As time progresses, more puffles will be added to the game and you'll have to cope with paddling more than 1 or 2 puffles!
After you've collected enough tickets, you can exchange them for prizes from the booth at the Forest!
The prizes are as follows:
- The Paddle Ball Toy: 1500 ticekts
- The Feathered Tiara: 1200 tickets
- The Candy Necklace: 700 tickets
- The Teddy Bear Background: 400 tickets
- The Circus Tent Pin: 100 tickets
You can then also enter the Great Puffle Circus. At the entrance you can find another prize booth.
The prizes are as follows:
- Circus Tent Igloo: 1100 tickets
- Ring Master Outfit: 700 tickets
- Ring Master Hat: 500 tickets
- Teddy Bear: 200 tickets
- Background: 100 tickets
So far, these are the items available but apparently more are on the way!
Finally, you can pop into the Puffle Circus and watch a puffle show. Click on the colour at the top to see the different shows by the different puffles.
Thanks for following me on the fair!
I'm pretty sure it was worth the wait! The good news is that it's going to be extended due to the delay!
How are you enjoying it so far? What item's your favorite from this year's fair?
Let me know in the comments below!
Cheers and Waddle On!
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