Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Club Penguin Times Issue #18

Hey guys, it's wednesday and that means that a new issue of Club Penguin Times has came out! Let's have a look.

This issue features:Counting the votes, Fairy Fables, a new Ask Aunt Arctic and Boat Sweet Boat.
There is also a list of contents on the bottom left.

So first up, We have a section about Rockhopper and the Migrator, There's quotes from Rockhopper and other penguins down below.

The next page tells us about the color votes ending today, Hurry up and vote if you haven't already!

 Next up we have the In Focus. It's about the current play in the Stage Fairy Fables.

Continuing on from the last page, this page features the Switchbox 3000. There is also a Tip of the Week which is below.

And now we have Ask Aunt Arctic, Hill Skills and A Certain Curtain questions are featured. The first question is about the ski hill, and the second is about the curtain in the lounge.

                              Continued from the previous page about A Certain Curtain question.

This week's secret tells us about hidden emotes and how to use them.

Then there is the riddles and jokes and poetry, the answer key will be below.

On the next page, there is a word search puzzle, you will have to focus really hard for this one if you want to complete it.

And in the next page, we have a comic from ShraqilONeil about the Pizza Parlor.

Finally, we have the Upcoming Events. A new Penguin Style is coming out Today, along with a new furniture catalog, Igloo upgrades, Igloo new music, a new collectible pin. Lastly a new Play is coming 12th July.

What do you think of this week's newspaper? Post in the comments below!

Waddle on.

-Mosta 28

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