Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Club Penguin Times Issue #11

Hey guys, it's Tuesday and you know what that means... A new issue of the Club Penguin Times has came out! Let's have a look.

This issue features In The Spotlight, the Plaza, a new Ask Aunt Arctic and Your Igloo - Medieval Style. There's also a list of contents on the bottom left.

So first up, there's Igloo Ideas. This page features on how to make a good Medieval themed igloo. There's a few tips below.

The next page tells you about the In the Spotlight, which features other purposes of what the Stage can be used for, rather than just plays.

Next up, we have the In Focus. It's all about the Plaza this week. It'll tell you all there is to know about the Plaza, and what's so great about it.

Continuing on from the last page, this page features the Pet Shop and the Pizza Parlour. There's also a Tip of the Week, which I'll show below.

And now for Ask Aunt Arcitc, Igg Naw and Harold Hinter are featured. One question is about the ignore list, and the other is about hints for pins.

Continued from the previous page about Harold Hinter's question.

This week's secret tells you how to get a difficult Aqua Grabber stamp, which gives you advise of how to get a worm.

Then there's the riddles and jokes, the answer key will be provided below.

There's also an addition of a new Sensei's Fortune Cookie page here, which if you move your mouse over the cookie, it will give you a fortune for the coming weeks. It'll say "Stay ready. Look to the mountains. The elements are coming." I think Card Jitsu will be here soon!

On the next page, there is a dot to dot puzzle, which you will have to join the dots in number order. You'll get a green puffle when you finish. There's also a comic about a puffle eating shoes on this page.

Finally, we have the Upcoming Events. The Underwater Adventure begins playing at the Stage on May 17th (it actually came a day early), and a mysterious event is coming 25th-29th May. I wonder what it could be? Lastly, a new collectible pin is coming next week,  so make sure you pick up the recent one in the Boiler Room before next week.

What do you think of this week's newspaper? Post in the comments below!

Waddle on.


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