Sunday, March 12, 2017

Coin Reset

Hi Penguins!

Due to a number of players exploiting multiple coin glitches around the game (guilty as charged), the CPR team has decided to reset the coins of all players back to 2000. Additionally, all coin glitches which used to be exploited have been patched.

This was the announcement made on their official twitter account:

Next time you log on, don't get a fright if you see less (or more) than what you originally had. While this may upset a number of players, I do feel that this was a fair decision.

How has this effected you?
What are your thoughts on the coin reset?
Let us know in the comments below!

Until next time,
Waddle on!

~ Danny


  1. The coin reset is honestly kind of dumb and unfair. When you leave such an abusable glitch up on the game for so long, it's expected for players to find out about it and use it. It's more of the developers' faults for messing up the code and leaving the glitch up in the first place than players exploiting it to get coins. Heck, the developers knew about this glitch and it took a while for them to actually take action. When coin glitches happen within normal Club Penguin, players don't get punished for it. They just patch the bug and move on. Rewritten would be better off doing that than making EVERY player suffer consequences that they don't really deserve.

    1. Good insight - maybe since the game is still in it's early days they thought it better to give everyone a fresh start. CP had millions of players to deal with while CPR has under just under 10K.

    2. I'm concerned with CPR's development team. It's nothing personal against Codey or Hagrid, but the decisions they seem to be making in regards to data management is lazy to put it simply.

      Red flag #1: "Due to buddy list maintenance, in the next update everyone's friend list will be reset. The new limit will be 200. Sorry for any trouble."

      - Every players buddy list was reset.
      - No data migration was established in order to retain and transfer the buddy lists during the maintenance.

      Red flag #2: "Due to recent coin incidents within our game, we have reset everyone's coins to 2000. Sorry for the inconvenience."

      - A number of players were abusing minigame bugs in order to earn an improper amount of coins.
      - There were no coin history logs or any other data available to identify exactly who was abusing these bugs.
      - No level ground was set in order to separate players with large coin amounts that were potentially abusing the bug to establish a fair coin reset. For example, only resetting a players coins if the amount is equal to or greater than 10,000.

      Red flag #3: When asked why they couldn't identify individual culprits abusing the bug, their response was "because we have 9k registered accounts".

      From that response I gather that 9000 entries in a database is hard for them to manage, and that as a result of its growth will only be harder to manage in the future. If this is the case, I'm interested to see how future situations like these play out.

  2. I'm not even mad tbh.. I was completely broke before. This is a gift as far as I'm concerned :P

  3. Well, Mine dropped to 2000 but when I logged back in, it dropped to 0. Then, I spent an hour getting my coins back. When I logged off and logged back in, it was still 0! I think it's unfair. Maybe you guys should change it. Thanks!


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